Monday, July 31, 2006

Same old (stripper) story

Immaturely, I still check I found this article linked to it today:

Club Plans Tubing Trip With Strippers

(AP) NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas A San Antonio topless club is planning a tubing river excursion that features strippers. Trey Maddox, a manager at Palace Men's Club, said Sunday's event, during which men can pay $25 to join the strippers, isn't meant to fly in the face of the city's new rules.

"We're not hookers, dope dealers or Mafia thugs," he said, noting that the strippers will be appropriately dressed. "We're just coming to have a good time."

City Councilman Ken Valentine isn't so sure.

"I'm really disappointed that this is going to occur on Sunday when people should be in church," he said. "I hope they behave themselves and keep their clothes on, but I'm not sure they will because strippers are trained to take off their clothes."

The New Braunfels City Council has been cracking down on rowdy behavior on the Comal and Guadalupe rivers in recent months, banning volume drinking devices better known as beer bongs, increasing the maximum fine for noise ordinance violations, and prohibiting sound amplification on the river between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

A new ordinance banning containers with a liquid volume of 5 ounces or less — an attempt to ban Jell-O shots and the associated litter — will take effect after the next city council meeting.

Mayor Bruce Boyer said he thought it was unfortunate that the San Antonio club is taking advantage of the situation "to get free publicity."

"And all we're trying to do is make it safe and pleasant for anybody 8 to 80 to come and have a safe and enjoyable river experience," he said.

My initial thoughts on this article:
-"I'm really disappointed that this is going to occur on Sunday when people should be in church"... So it's okay any other day of the week then, even weekdays, when people should be in work? All right, let's reschedule.

-"I hope they behave themselves and keep their clothes on, but I'm not sure they will because strippers are trained to take off their clothes..." They're trained? What are the strippers, dogs? Seals? Look, strippers though they are, they're still people. Or are women not people to Mr. "Everyone's in church on Sunday"?

-"And all we're trying to do is make it safe and pleasant for anybody 8 to 80 to come and have a safe and enjoyable river experience," he said. No you're not. You're trying to circumvent the rules, and you know it. But therein lies the bigger problem.

I've never even been in a strip club (I know it's hard to believe, but it's true), but this kind of argument has undoubtedly been seen before. Conservative, likely Christian, town in America wants adult business proprietor to take a long walk off a short pier. Conservative town tries to implement ridiculous excuses and legislation to convince adult business to shut down. Adult business obstinately refuses and usually finds some way to circumvent the rules to thumb their noses at conservative town.

The major problem is not only that this dilemma is recurring, but that both sides obstinately refuse to budge even a little, and thereby they avoid the real problems involved in strip clubs. Women with low self-esteem and few good employment opportunities have nowhere else to turn but stripping? Doesn't need to be discussed in conservative town. Low self-esteem males who either treat women like objects or are too lonely and desperate to get an actual date spending all their time in said strip club? Not an issue.

No, instead we get conservative town saying, "You stop that right now!" and strip club owner yelling "Make me."

Reminds me of my teenage years.

Just once, I'd like to hear a conservative town say, "Strip clubs represent a bigger problem with society's views of women and the opportunities that women have. In order to fight this problem, we need to investigate this problem at all levels of government. It should start with us."

Just once, I'd like to hear a strip club owner say, "The sad thing is, these girls make more money here than they would in some of the jobs this city has to offer them. The region's economy is to blame, of course, and conservative town would rather ignore the problem than help its citizens. The real problem with my establishment? It points out the ineffectiveness that government has had in addressing this bigger picture."

Too sophisticated and clean-cut of an argument to expect from both sides? Probably.

Then too, there's a certain entertainment value with the arguments, "Stripping is not in the Bible," and "Up Yours!" right?

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